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ni'o lo deị kìbystu cu se jmàji lo mi se fìnti .e lu'e lo mi se jìnvi vu'o pe lo lòjbo bàngu .i .a'o do se plùka gi'e se plìxaụ
La selpa'i 's verba lisri co fanva and pemci
input sentence and get word-by-word translation and nested structure as boxes
<blockquote>This article is part of the Simpler series on simplifying certain aspects of Lojban. See also: A Simpler Quantifier Logic and A Simpler Morphology [coming soon]. "How does one say "and" in Lojban?" "Well... it depends, you know. For sumti, it's .e. For tanru and sentences, it's je. For bridi tails it's gi'e. And those…</blockquote>
<blockquote>My impressions of Lojban</blockquote>