869 private links
An AI search engine that accepts natural questions and search the web for answers. From my limited experience it has better result than New Bing.
The creator of Phind claimed that they do not use any of OpenAI's model.
Replicate lets you run machine learning models with a cloud API, without having to understand the intricacies of machine learning or manage your own infrastructure.
A collection of prompts to jailbreak ChatGPT.
Over-engineering my document storage system with Paperless-ngx
An extremely well written article on paperless-ngx. It showcased the interesting features (auto-tagging) of the service as well archiving techniques, with a lot of emphasis on how to automate importing and backup.
An article about Ray casting, WASM4 (a game console emulator that runs WASM "cartridges"), binary size reduction, and generally how to interface with WASM in Rust.
The idea that hiding is not good for privacy: it's often easier and more effective to make a fake persona than hiding, which creates a mystery people are intrigued to solve.
This article gives suggestions on how to generate a fake persona:
- pick a common name
- ai face generation + face aging software
- use mailbox.org for email
- create a social media profile
Hask is the category of Haskell types. This article lists some interesting exceptions where the programming language do not quite hold the consistent properties to the corresponding mathematically description of category theory objects.
A detailed description and comparison of various ESP32 models and different boards.
Trick learned: echo w > /proc/sysrq-trigger
to show a stack trace in dmesg for tasks in uninterruptible sleep state. This is helpful to learn what the process is blocking on.
I agree. Every screenshot I took is a snapshot of memory of what I was currently doing on my computer.
Minimal demo on how to do graphics for X11, macOS and Windows:
- pop up a window
- handle basic events
- draw on the surface
- play a sound
- port doom onto it
How do you make a webpage without any source code?
- Return "Content-Type: text/html" with empty content. This is tantamount to a bare webpage "<html><body></></>"
- Fill the page's content with the "::before/after{content: xxx}" CSS
- Place the inlined stylesheet in the link header
I learned it's possible to inject CSS via HTTP header: https://danq.me/2020/12/21/http-link-css-injection/
A search engine for the internet, in the 2000 style. You find interesting random small websites instead of see the same result from major search engines.
It also has a Tinder-like website recommendation engine where you can train it to find the website you're interested in. I already found several interesting personal blogs with this feature.
Impressively, the search engine is invented by one person, yet it already indexed more than 100M of webpages.
Comparing different approaches of generating HTML:
- String templating
- XML based embedding
- Inline XML (JSX)
- S-expr as DSL
- Custom DSL
It is amazing how human is still able to reverse-engineer a tiny neuron network to actually learn how the magic works. The solution this neuron network came up with is unexpected to me and quite beautiful.
The same author's blog has some good articles about visualizing and analyzing the inner working of neuron networks.
A tool to quickly find the CRF setting needed for achieving target VMAF score.
A detailed guide on how to use EWW, a modern and beautiful widget system (aka. bar) that runs both on Wayland and X11. EWW is written in Rust and based on GTK+, so I expect it easier to extend than Polybar.
The configuration is written using a s-expression language, world's best configuration language. From a glance, the configuration language also makes more sense than Polybar's. Widgets are composable, dynamic data/text interpolation fits organically.
Mostly unsatisfied with Polybar, I previously even want to write a bar software on my own. Now it seems that EWW suits all my needs. I will make a switch to EWW when I have more time to tinker around.
How to find UART on a PCB and tell the pin configuration?
A meme search engine that can search based on both text and image similarity.
One thing worth mentioning is that their architecture setup is kinda hilarious: https://findthatmeme.com/blog/2023/01/08/image-stacks-and-iphone-racks-building-an-internet-scale-meme-search-engine-Qzrz7V6T.html
A great way of managing system level dotfiles. TL;DR:
alias dotfiles='git --git-dir=/home/mx/.dotfiles --work-tree=/'
dotfiles config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
Then managing the files would be simple basic git operations. No symlinking, installation, synchronization, etc.
Alternatively, it's also sensible to set the worktree to $HOME.