869 private links
A tool for editing magnet link and torrent files.
De-DRM audible audio books.
Alternative URLs:
A small webpage tool to play with instrumental music. Synthesizer, composer, sequencer.
Here's a more powerful one: https://hidden-realm.github.io/cardboardbox, it has additional features like customizing harmonics.
A catalogue of AI tools and news.
Visualize tokenization for OpenAI models.
Fast and low quality image generation from prompts. Not affiliated with OpenAI.com.
A tool to quickly find the CRF setting needed for achieving target VMAF score.
Reveal domains parked at the same IP as a given domain. It can also show IPs (and their domains) nearby.
Generate unique tokens that notifies a webhook or an email address when accessed. Many tokens are supported, including DNS, URL, document, binary, etc. (Sort of like tracking pixel on websites but with a lot of other types of triggers)
Check IP leakage through your BitTorrent client. The page generates a magnet link. Try download it with your BitTorrent Client, and your IP will be revealed on the webpage.
Also check out: https://ipleak.net.
An linux sandboxing tool with pledge() syntax by Justine Tunney, author of "actually portable executable" and "redbean".
Alternative to apparmor (kernel module) or bubblewrap (cgroup/namespace).
Search books on zlibrary ipfs mirrors after the shutdown of the main site.
source code: https://github.com/zu1k/zlib-searcher
After installing on a usb stick, it can boot any iso files from the usb file system, without the need for dd or additional usb-boot maker tools. Looks quite interesting.
A tool that helps you pore through papers. It is capable of explaining selected sentences and interactively answer questions about the paper. From my usage experience it's already quite helpful.
Compose ffmpeg -filter_complex using a visual node editor.
ImageOptim equivalent on Linux.
Command line version: https://rubenerd.com/losslessly-optimise-images/
Various cyberpunk style post-processing filters for your image.
Search Reddit through pushshift.io API. Capable of searching sensored comments.
Various atmospheric sound effect to help you focus. The site has a lot of presets to choose from and allows you to adjust individual sounds.
Search YouTube videos by subtitles (including automatic transcriptions). The site features a tool to allow searching for unlisted videos: https://filmot.com/unlistedSearch.