869 private links
A gallery of interactive explanations. And the tool used to make these.
Chatbot Arena: blind test on the performance of LLM models to assign them a ELO rating. It also serves as a playground for various models.
This is a useful lifehack I learned today.
TL;DR: pull the note downwards instead of peeling it upwards. This stops the note from curling and stick better.
Bluetooth protocol snooping, Android app decompilation, AES decryption.
A security search engine like https://shodan.io. Search open services on an IP, whois, protocol signature, etc.
A post on postgres replication feature.
The good'ol Google ngram explorer for tracking term uses across recent centuries.
Like godblot.org but for decompiling binaries into C code using various decompilers (Ghidra, etc).
An introduction to various graphical tracing and profiling tools.
Anagram: a word constructed from the same set of letters of a different word. Here by "visual anagram" it means the type of visual illusion that one picture can be rearranged to another picture with a different interpretation. This work demonstrates a method for generating visual anagrams automatically using a pixel-based diffusion model.
A nice article on the exploration of a performance issue, which ultimately leads to the discovery of a bug in AMD CPU.
An essay on people's view of masturbation and asceticism through history. It was a fun read filled with absurd though useless knowledge on the futile efforts people made for this purpose.
(e.g. the “Electric Alarum” (1887) was a surveillance tool that set off an alarm for parents if their sleeping boy’s penis changed size during the night.)
A function graph plotter to explore complex functions by drawing on one complex plane and see the output on the other.
A web-based CSS animation editor.
An encoding scheme for encoding a sequence of numbers into a short URI-safe string, like a mix of nanoid and base64
Links to tutorials on graphics programming.
A comprehensive syntax of programming constructs in various languages. Useful for reference.
A handy tool to play with Rust's regex/fancy-regex.
Various tricks to mess with webpages - actually quite useful! For example, have you thought of modifying the state of the program using a conditional breakpoint?
Fascinating paradigm for execution: log all side effects and restore execution deterministically.