869 private links
What Hyperbole does is to add actions to textual patterns.
A lot of useful emacs debugging tools (built-in). With those I saved a lot of time to troubleshoot and fix various problems.
In addition, don't forget that there are edebug and trace-function which can also come in handy.
Emacs has a lot of little known built-in features that can cover a lot of use cases provided by packages. This article presented some of them. Really nice to learn about them.
Also read the sequel, "More batteries included with emacs" (https://karthinks.com/software/more-batteries-included-with-emacs/).
The part that interest me the most is a comment which I copied here:
** org-mode configuration
On this users's experience of using org-mode to do arrange GTD.
<blockquote>My impressions of Lojban</blockquote>