869 private links
In short:
- outline recursively
- speedrun
Examples of productivity porn include but are not limited to: reading a tweet by a top VC about how to become a better startup founder; watching a Youtube video about the 7 mistakes you need to avoid at the gym; perusing a Hacker News thread about how to improve the code you write.
I've abstained from most social media but do still consume hackernews. A small portion of articles I read involves in productivity tips (like this one). I do not know how effective most of them are, but I don't think they're completely counterproductive. One of the most life-changing practice is time-blocking, which I also learned on hacker news. Over the years the time time-blocking afforded me is enormous.
So in my opinion, it's not always a bad thing to learn about these. Sometimes I need to know about, or at least need an affirmation on a better way to do things. And adjust myself for that, because otherwise it's no different from reading a junk novel.
Also, no need to befoul of pornography. They're a lot more useful and productive than social media!
The part that interest me the most is a comment which I copied here:
** org-mode configuration
On this users's experience of using org-mode to do arrange GTD.
<blockquote>Everything you need to know to take back your workday from meetings, email, & busy work and protect time for what's truly important to you.</blockquote>
In the comments are a few methods and tools to log one's life for reference.
A tool for negotiating time with others for an event.