869 private links
How do you make a webpage without any source code?
- Return "Content-Type: text/html" with empty content. This is tantamount to a bare webpage "<html><body></></>"
- Fill the page's content with the "::before/after{content: xxx}" CSS
- Place the inlined stylesheet in the link header
I learned it's possible to inject CSS via HTTP header: https://danq.me/2020/12/21/http-link-css-injection/
The zip format encrypts using AES based on the user's password as the key. If the user's password is too long for the AES key, then it uses the hashed password instead. After hashing, there is no way to distinguish whether or not the key is a hash. This means both the original password or the hash can be used as the correct password.
I don't think it's a security vulnerability. Also, technically, these zip files may have more valid passwords, because by fixing the output of a hash function, there may be many inputs that produces the same output, although you can only find them if you know how to reverse a hash function.
DALLE-2 has a secret language. "Apoploe vesrreaitais" means birds. "Contarra ccetnxniams luryca tanniounons" means bugs or pests.
The poster asked DALLE-2 to produce seemingly nonsense words, and then prompt DALL-E with these words and find that these nonsense words contain meanings coherent to the initial prompt.
It's no longer seem like a mystery to me after I read explanations. But it's undoubtfully a super interesting phenomenom.
See more discussion in https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31573282.
<blockquote>A snowclone is a cliché and phrasal template that can be used and recognized in multiple variants.</blockquote>
A software that makes playing with mechanical stuff intuitive. Looks pretty promising. I may try it out some times.