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This is a useful lifehack I learned today.
TL;DR: pull the note downwards instead of peeling it upwards. This stops the note from curling and stick better.
I read this article when it was trending on Hacker News in 2022. It changed my consumption habits (both in terms of buying and using) a lot. Whatever I want to buy or consume, I think about the benefit it brings me versus the cost - in terms of money, my time, and mental effort. My sense of "value" has changed a lot.
Someone in the comments (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36353272) talks about there being a third price - the cost of disposal. I couldn't agree more. This has bothered me - I tend to get attached to possessions. Every time I move and have to make the decision to throw away familiar things, I fall into depression for weeks.
Animated guide on tying various kinds of knots.
In the comments are a few methods and tools to log one's life for reference.
A manual on chioce of types of glue to stick various kinds of materials together.