869 private links
TIL in sh, you can press C-w
to delete previous word and C-u
to delete the whole line.
I stole this technique from Lawrence Block's outstanding Telling Lies for Fun and Profit, a book about writing fiction. He suggests drafting a story the "natural" way, with the first chapter introducing the hero and the second getting the action going, then swapping the two chapters.
Various tricks to mess with webpages - actually quite useful! For example, have you thought of modifying the state of the program using a conditional breakpoint?
Bash tip: put cleanup code in a function called finish
and register it with trap finish EXIT
I agree. Every screenshot I took is a snapshot of memory of what I was currently doing on my computer.
A tool to quickly find the CRF setting needed for achieving target VMAF score.
A great way of managing system level dotfiles. TL;DR:
alias dotfiles='git --git-dir=/home/mx/.dotfiles --work-tree=/'
dotfiles config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
Then managing the files would be simple basic git operations. No symlinking, installation, synchronization, etc.
Alternatively, it's also sensible to set the worktree to $HOME.
A lot of Linux command line tips and tricks.
A lot of useful emacs debugging tools (built-in). With those I saved a lot of time to troubleshoot and fix various problems.
In addition, don't forget that there are edebug and trace-function which can also come in handy.
This trick has greatly increased the browser usability on my phone.
You may also be interested in:
- how to enforce on desktop mode: https://old.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/p38p6t/guide_how_to_always_use_desktop_view_in_firefox/
- you can use any UA switchers, which can come in handy by providing per-domain settings
- how to force allow pinch to zoom: https://old.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/igijal/pinch_to_zoom_broken_in_latest_firefox_android/
Emacs has a lot of little known built-in features that can cover a lot of use cases provided by packages. This article presented some of them. Really nice to learn about them.
Also read the sequel, "More batteries included with emacs" (https://karthinks.com/software/more-batteries-included-with-emacs/).
A bunch of quite useful tricks. Some I already used and other's are new. Here are the headings:
- Forward Yubikey Agent
- Reuse connections
- SSH straight into tmux
- Alias commonly used hosts
- Do not add testing stuff to ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- Make connections last longer
- Canonicalize hostnames
- Yubikey and GitHub, without touching it every time
I find it quite helpful to create a persistent connection to github. It greatly reduces my connection latency for pushing and pulling.
You could harden a Linux server by killing the init process. That would cause a kernel panic, and prevent new processes running (e.g. shells). Existing processes like Web servers would continue to function, so you could put this at the end of the boot script :)
I never thought that is possible! Kind of stupidily funny and brilliant at the same time.
A bunch of nice tricks to use browsers' web debugger console and console.log() faimilies.
More tricks shared in HN comments: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29071700
<blockquote>csrutil disable</blockquote>
trade security for performance