Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

September 4, 2023

Frooodle/Stirling-PDF locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files

Self-hostable client side PDF tool set.

Explaining The Postgres Meme

Another iceberg explain post, this time for postgres!

Wikipedia search-by-vibes

Search Wikipedia entries by meaning. It builds an embedding database for each Wikipedia articles. The search is done locally in the browser with onnx sentence transformer. The author has a post on how it was made possible with quantization to compact millions of vectors to manageable size (megabytes) for offline use.

Calibre replacement considerations - anarcat

Turns out there are, expectedly, people who look for alternative to Calibre. This is a comprehensive post listing the replacement for various features of Calibre.

I currently don't have a satisfactory solution yet.