Weekly Shaarli

All links of one week in a single page.

Week 16 (April 15, 2024)

Spectral Ray Tracing

Normally when we implement ray tracing, each ray of light carries a RGB vector. Spectral Ray Tracing is the technique of instead of treating a ray of light as a particle in a straight line, the algorithm treats light as a wave spectrum - spectral power distribution (SPD). This allows more realistic rendering such as dispersion, diffraction, etc.

Building a GPS Receiver, Part 1: Hearing Whispers | Phillip Tennen

A 4-part writeup on how GPS works and how to implement a GPS receiver: I/Q data, asynchronous CDMA, GPS C/A and P code, Heterodyne demodulation, etc.

Viruses Finally Reveal Their Complex Social Life | Quanta Magazine

Even life as simple as virus has evolved mechanism of cooperation and competition - on a molecular level. Amazing!

Same Energy | Visual Search Engine

Search images from Reddit and Instagram by semantic meaning or a similar image.