869 private links
An article on how to make a handwritten font with Inkscape (trace bitmap) and Fontforge.
A type of music composer that is based on calculating each the amplitude of a wave based on an expression at each time step. It's pretty amazing how complex the melody can be from some of the very simple expressions.
I learned a bit about how bluetooth low energy (BLE) works from this article.
(1) A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? __ cents
(2) If it takes 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 widgets, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets? __ minutes
(3) In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake? __ days
Three simple questions with misleading answers :)
An interesting human-computer interaction design based on scribbling.
Search books on zlibrary ipfs mirrors after the shutdown of the main site.
source code: https://github.com/zu1k/zlib-searcher
Theories, laws, effects about psychology and society (e.g. Murphy's law).
Intuit what kind of data it is by looking at a blob of binary.
A great post on an interesting nteworking problem: how does distributed servers send packets to the internet while sharing a common set of IP addresses?
For ingress there is the technique of anycast which allows the client to connect to any one of the servers, but for egress it's a lot more trickier because the client needs to know about where the traffic comes from.
Turing famously showed that computers can’t decide whether your code halts. But in 1951, Henry Rice proved a much more devastating result: “computers can’t decide anything interesting about your code’s input-output!”
A new chapter of busy-beavers on tigyog!
A lot of Linux command line tips and tricks.
After installing on a usb stick, it can boot any iso files from the usb file system, without the need for dd or additional usb-boot maker tools. Looks quite interesting.
I feel awestruck when looking this website. I also learned how we do not see through the same types of astrobodies through the time and space, which is contrary to my former misconception.
Anna’s Archive is a project that aims to catalog all the books in existence, by aggregating data from various sources. We also track humanity’s progress toward making all these books easily available in digital form, through “shadow libraries”.
An alternative to z-library. RIP.
I learned some USB HID debugging utilities from this article. Saving it for later reference.
Interesting though useless knowledge on the evolution of the term "boilerplate" in programming context.
TL;DR: first it refers to the plate used to roll into water boiler cylinder in the steam age. Then in linotype age there is a technique to make mold lead into the lines of text for printing. These plates of lines of texts looks similar to boilerplates. And the connotation of "copy-pasted" text comes from the usage of these plates been casted several times and sent to various new publishers for printing.
A listing of good quasi-standard library for sundry purposes for the lazies.
A description about the unique features of JPEG XL.
An UX idea on rich text editing. My favorite part is the clever way to distinguish inside and outside a formatted block.
How does Photoshop's layer blending mode (or CSS mix-blend-mode) work? This article greatly illustrated with examples and the exact formulas.