869 private links
A tool that helps you pore through papers. It is capable of explaining selected sentences and interactively answer questions about the paper. From my usage experience it's already quite helpful.
A document by OpenAI on Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG), a Q-learning like algorithm that works for continuous action space.
Compose ffmpeg -filter_complex using a visual node editor.
Linux server issues troubleshooting scenario game on a VM with root access. Looks fun to play. My server never finishes being created though, I guess it may have suffered from HN hug of death.
“Our theory is that consciousness developed as a memory system that is used by our unconscious brain to help us flexibly and creatively imagine the future and plan accordingly,” said author Dr. Andrew Budson. “We don’t perceive the world, make decisions, or perform actions directly. Instead, we do all these things unconsciously and then—about half a second later—consciously remember doing them.”
That is mind blowing. "You" may be not the one who's in charge. The unconscious "you" does everything automatically and "you" takes the credit as the agent.
I first heard about this theory from Blindsight by Peter Watts. It was a really interesting idea.
- The application creates a wl_data_source object, indicating that it’s going to offer data to other applications.
- The application adds the mime types that it can handle to the data source (with wl_data_source::offer)
- The application finally calls wl_data_device::set_selection, to indicate “I’m taking ownership of the clipboard, and the above created wl_data_source is what I’m offering”.
A rather interesting thought and it looks quite likely. Albeit for the current stage I'd argue AI would be most useful in replacing the management roles on organization, like in a warehouse.
This reminds me of the colluding ship Theseus with its vampire captain Jukka Sarasti.
Colorize photos with text prompts.
Air wave, oscillation and sound explained through an interactive article.
Very nice and simply explained theoretical computer science theorems!
A fast path finding on square grid that exploits of certain properties to avoid scanning unecessary cells. There is a nice interactive visual demo on the webpage.
Wonderful video series about control theory. I didn't know I'm interested in control theory until I watched some of them.
A lot of useful emacs debugging tools (built-in). With those I saved a lot of time to troubleshoot and fix various problems.
In addition, don't forget that there are edebug and trace-function which can also come in handy.
A simple and fast lossless image compression algorithm that achieves similar compression ratio but significantly faster than png.
In Ray Tracing in One Weekend, you will build a simple brute-force path tracer. Continuing with Ray Tracing: The Next Week, you will add textures, volumes (like fog), rectangles, instances, lights, and support for lots of objects using a bounding volume hierarchy (BVH). Finally, with Ray Tracing: The Rest Of Your Life, we'll dive into the math of creating a very serious ray tracer.
Looks like a great guide on ray tracing.
An awk trick nicely explained. Though it's a trick that I may never use. I recommend this article mostly for the extraordinary pedagogy style.
I was piqued by this, so I went on read Ken Thompson's original article. I am amazed by it. It's a quite surprising application of quine. Don't worry, it doesn't give me a feeling of existential crisis as I still have faith on the beloved fellow compiler workers.
Read about it in https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/358198.358210 .
Rust questions which are quite tricky. I learned a lot (mostly useless) knowledge form it.
An interesting and simple algorithm to blend two images seamlessly.
TL;DR: do not copy-paste the pixel itself, copy-paste the gradient of the pixel, and then solve for the optimal pixel's value subjecting to an energy function, which takes into account the boundary of background image and the gradient of the source image.
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Web based game console (and mobile) simulator presented as a feed.
Project repo: https://github.com/webrcade/webrcade