869 private links
A rather thought-provoking argument on how HTML should be written. In short, it should be written as like troff rather than like XML or JSON.
The idea is quite new to me. I thought that close tag should always be present, and the attributes should always be quoted, and browsers are only lenient for those "mistakes". Turns out the standard explicitly permits otherwise. And the reason for it is the topic of this article.
Writing HTML in this style has benefits - the document is much readable, as if it was written in Markdown or something alike but more powerful. It's obvious that this type of document is not good for complex layout or "web application" due to the overly implicit nested DOM structure. However, it at least look pleasant to me and at lot easier to edit in without using structure-aware editors. So I may switch to actually write in plain HTML in this style in blog posts or wherever "<div>" is not expected.
There is a lot of controversy around it (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31694849). It's not difficult to foresee that a lot of people will dislike it.